"Because I was voiceless.
So angry
With that fucking taste of forge in my throat.
That's what I answered my 13 years old son, yesterday when he asked me why I hadn't written anything, this time.
He said it was a shame.
So I came back and looked for words.
What we've just been through has nothing to do with a natural disaster.
It is not a tsunami. It is a disaster against nature.
It is a hurricane of murdering madness.
Now, how do you fight against this?
For which religion may be proud of spitting in the face of freedom, of covering kids with explosives to convince them to run smiling towards death?
In the name of which God can you possibly fly the banner of barbarism, obscurantism and infamy?
Certainly not in the name of the God you claim, nor in the name of any single other, you crooks of God, criminals of Daesh.
So, of course, we will bury the dead.
Of course we will miss Suzon, Lamia, Pierro, Matthieu, Hugo and all the others.
And we will light candles.
And cry.
And thunder Republic with flowers.
To pay tribute to those who died in the name of your fucking madness. Just because they loved life.
But I cross my heart and swear, we will rise from the ashes.
And we will keep on wearing out Paris bar counters, raising toasts to the sky with glasses full of wine, applauding breathless musicians on rock scenes, watching movies full of humans with shapes and breast and butts, laughing at everything, living "la vie en rose", banishing black wire screens, kissing in the gardens of republic, loving each other.
And fighting you endlessly.
Day after day, Paris pigeons will wash out with their droppings the blood you spilled for nothing until it is covered.
With white.
With the colour of the innocent souls you cowardly murdered.
One thing is for sure though, you dark illuminates will never manage to turn down the lights of Paris.
Because Daesh and your kinds, we fuck you all.
Vive la Liberté, Vive la Démocratie, Vive la France !